Welcome to the official website for Nevada Ozone. We are the leaders in ozone purification services in the Southwest United States, since 2008. NV, CA, AZ, UT.
Thank you for choosing Nevada Ozone for your search about ozone. You probably have questions about ozone and ozone purification so we believe the following information will give you a better understanding of what ozone is and how it can work best for you.

Nevada Ozone
We offer UV Light “Super Charged” Ozone Shock Treatment Services for Cigarette Smoke Odor Removal, Odor Removal, Mold Remediation, Mold Inspection, Mold Testing, Virus and Bacteria Disinfection, Grow House Decontamination and much more,
Our Technicians are trained and certified to effectively service a home, business, vehicle, entity, or just about anything else, leaving it contaminate free, fresh and safe, improving the quality of life for all occupants.
Our “Service Excellence” treatments are totally green, chemical free and leaves no residue. Our “Super Charged” ozone gas is completely harmless to interior furnishings, paintings, pictures, furniture and etc. typically found in homes, small businesses, vehicles, etc. Our patent pending, UV Light Generators DO NOT PRODUCE NITRIC ACIDS as most all other ozone generators do. Nitric Acid is very corrosive and will harm you and your belongings!
Ask about our “Price Match”, “Payment Plan” and “Guarantee”.
Thank you for choosing Nevada Ozone in your search about ozone.

Cigarette Smoke Odor
Cigarette smoke odor can very offensive to non smokers and smokers alike. The bigger issue is the toxic residue it leaves on everything it comes into contact with. This residue has been deemed dangerous to your health by the Surgeon General.
This residue is extremely dangerous for children and infants to come into contact with. Our Nevada Ozone Shock Treatment Service eliminates the toxicity and the odor permanently.
We eradicate all cigarette smoke odors.

Mold Testing, Inspection and Remediation
Scientific evidence links mold and other factors related to damp conditions in homes and buildings to asthma symptoms in some people with the chronic disorder, as well as to coughing, wheezing, and upper respiratory tract symptoms in otherwise healthy people, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.
We eradicate all molds.

Grow House Decontamination
We have the professional experience of successfully decontaminating several very large grow operations of 50,000+ Square feet.
We eradicate all living things.
Bed bugs are small wingless insects that feed solely upon the blood of warm-blooded animals. Bed bugs and their relatives have evolved as nest parasites. Certain kinds inhabit bird nests and bat roosts and await the return of their hosts; others have adapted well to living in the ‘nests’ (homes) of people.
Hatchling bed bugs are about the size of a poppy seed, and adults are about 1/4 of an inch in length. From above they are oval in shape, but are flattened from top to bottom.
Our ozone service eradicates all living creatures.

Bacteria and Viruses
Bacteria are organisms made up of just one cell. They are capable of multiplying by themselves, as they have the power to divide. Their shapes vary, and doctors use these characteristics to separate them into groups. Viruses are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
Viruses are too small to be seen by the naked eye. They can’t multiply on their own, so they have to invade a ‘host’ cell and take over its machinery in order to be able to make more virus particles.
We eradicate all viruses and bacteria.

Food Odors
Food odors can be a nightmare for some, whether it’s from a Friday night fish fry or your favorite curry dish extravaganza. The lingering odors can settle into all the surrounding porous materials and last for days or even weeks to months. This is especially apparent if you’ve just moved into a new house or apartment.
We eradicate all food odors.

Complete Disinfection, Sanitation and Deodorization
The Nevada Ozone Inc.™ interior air treatment system is a perfectly safe, full spectrum, GREEN CLEANING process that will fully sanitize, disinfect, and deodorize your belongings.
This process kills 99.99% (1) of all bacteria and virus germs that are resident on walls, floors, ceilings, cupboards, kitchen counters, toys, craft implements, (crayons, pencils, rulers etc.), desks, chairs, beds, tv’s computers, remotes etc.
Over the course of a 24 hour treatment, our service will virtually eliminate all odors, MRSA, Strep, Staph, E-coli, Salmonella, Listeria, Legionella, black mold and so much more.
We eradicate 1,000’s of harmful conditions making your environment safe.

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Nevada Ozone guarantees their services 100%. You can rest assured your project with us will be completed professionally, and in a timely matter. Our goal is to provide your project with “Service Excellence” and achieve a 5 Star rating from you.
What We Do
Nevada Ozone Inc. safely eradicates (kills, destroys, eliminates, purifies) smoke odors, pet odors, urine odors, odors, toxic mold, mold, influenza (flu). As well as the norovirus, bed bugs, bird mites, strep, staph, MRSA, e-coli, salmonella, listeria, legionella, anthrax, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, H1N1.
Including synthetic material chemicals (plastics, paints, carpets, furniture, etc.), toxic Chinese drywall, crime scene contamination and so much more with nature’s most powerful and purest oxidizing element, ozone without the harmful effects of nitric acid.
Not all ozone is of the same quality! There is “Dirty Ozone” that is created by “Corona Discharged” ozone generators. See info about it here.

“Six out of ten homes and buildings are ‘sick,’ meaning they are hazardous to your health to occupy as a result of airborne pollutants.”
“It is estimated that most people spend as much as 90% of their time indoors. Indoor air levels of many pollutants may be 2-5 times, and occasionally more than 100 times, higher than outdoor levels.”
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Ozone Is Environmentally Safe And Effective

We Are Certified Mold Inspectors

The EPA Supports Ozone Eradication

Greater Las Vegas Association Of Realtors Member

Nevada Ozone Is 100% OSHA Compliant

International Ozone Association Supporter

Ozone Is Better Than Harmful Pesticides

Ozone Is FDA Certified Food Safe

What is Ozone?
What is ozone made of? Ozone, or trioxygen is a triatomic molecule (the triatomic allotrope of oxygen), consisting of three oxygen atoms. It is commonly known as O3 and is simply, three atoms of oxygen linked (O1+O2=O3) ozone molecule.
This simple but powerful molecule is naturally used by the earth to clean the atmosphere. It is chemical-free, non-combustible and converts back into oxygen shortly after use (approx 30 min). It is Active Oxygen, nature’s most powerful and purest oxidizing element.
It is the clean fresh scent noticed after a rainstorm. Like oxygen, is natural yet kills 3000 times faster than chlorine (a corrosive chemical) and is 350 times more powerful. It is food safe, FDA and USDA approved and certified as organic.
Who Needs Us
Home Owners, Renters, Realtors, Property Management, Apartments and Condos, Grow Factories, Auto Owners, Restaurants, Bars and Nightclubs, Food Processing, Food Distributors, Cafeterias, Beverage Bottlers, Hotels and Casinos, Motels, Resorts.
Time-shares, Bed and Breakfasts, Universities, Schools, Day Cares, Libraries, Churches, Taxis, Cars, Limos, RV’s and Buses, Health Clubs, Fitness Centers, Gyms and Locker Rooms, Equipment Rooms, Recreational Centers, Sports Arenas, Day Spas, Hospitals, Health Clinics, Nursing Homes, Doctors’ Offices, Emergency Responders, Laboratories Food Processing Plants, and many more.
The Very Best in
Our patent pending, UV Light Ozone Generators DO NOT PRODUCE NITRIC ACIDS as most all other generators do. Our generators are manufactured and produced in the United States with all American made parts.
We provides many treatment services to improve the indoor air quality and sanitation in your home, business or just about anything else. Our “Service Excellence” sanitation treatment system is an inexpensive, disinfecting, deodorizing and sanitizing process that eradicates cigarette smoke odors, smoke odors, food odors, pet odors, urine odors, mold, toxic black mold.
As well as MRSA, H1N1, anthrax, strep, staph, e-coli, salmonella, listeria, legionella, ALL VIRUSES, toxic Chinese drywall, crime scene contamination and much more, from most all surfaces including glass, metal, wood, vinyl, plastics, tile, concrete, marble, and etc. as well as cloth, upholstery, carpeting, furniture, mattresses, food, and etc.
A single treatment will virtually annihilate airborne particles that are floating in air-streams created by heating and cooling systems (Duct systems are disinfected as well). These airborne particles covered with bacteria can trigger allergic reactions in asthmatics and cause coughing, sneezing, wheezing, and watery eyes in others.
Our treatment guarantees a 99.9% sanitized, disinfected, contaminant free, green environment for the comfort and safety of all inhabitants.

Let's Get Started!
We are at your service and ready to help you with your next project. Please give us a call at your earliest convenience to discuss how we can help you be successful.
Thank you,
The Nevada Ozone Team